Introducing Brinlee

Infant photography is always scary, because you don’t want to mess out on the only moment in time that this child is going to be right HERE.  Every second they change so much, so getting it done right is so important to me.

Brinleey’s mom came to me and wanted Brinlee’s first photo shoot to be just perfect.

I think we came out on top.

Here’s Brinlee.



Had a phenomenal time doing hair, makeup, and photography for my two favorite models, Meghan and Leanne.  I am really starting to stretch out a bit, try new things.  Among one of my pseudo talents is the ability to sew and make costumes, which I did here.  I think they turned out great.  Now, what to do with a ‘Mad Hatter’ Hat?  I mean, you can’t really wear it out anywhere!


Jordyn Headshots

Jordyn is my 2010 Rep for Children’s Fashion, and is quickly adding modeling and acting jobs to her resume.  Her mom called me last week and said ‘Jordyn needs headshots, as quick as possible!’  And so what began as a quick headshot, turned into a 2 hour long 5 outfit shoot, playing with my new background, a fan, and the alley behind my studio.  She is quickly becoming a pro, and I’m so proud that I ‘knew her when’… LOL


a little bird told me.

Just going through my beach images, and this one just brings back memories from our trip to Rodanthe.

Jason and I went out on the pier, and this little bird followed us back and forth as we walked all the way to the end and back.  I cannot imagine how it stayed up on that ledge, as windy as it was…it was awful, right before a storm, and the skies were black and foreboding…  Just shows how resilient nature can be.


just shoot me.

Just for fun, I decided to go to an Antique ‘Shoot’ In Sanford NC, a couple weeks ago.  We got there late, and things were just winding down, but as we looked around from table to table in the vendor tent, I just fell in love with the history of these pieces.  Hand carved stocks, barrels shined to perfection.  Manilla paper tags bearing historical information and, more importantly, prices.  Several of the vendors were kind enough to allow me to photograph their tables, and I ended up with images that I will absolutely cherish.



strong within you, the force is.

My little Jedi… Holy moly, is he growing up fast!


in plain sight.

This is Disneyland… I know what you’re thinking, what?  Where???

I’m not telling.

But this is how I tend to see things lately.  Small pieces.  Juxtaposition.  Finding a possible beauty in the mundane.

And here I found this… quiet serenity in the craziness that is Adventureland… OH, There’s a clue!!!


California Dreamin’

Spent 10 days in California, and we are completely pooped!  There were bee stings, emergency room visits, lots of family, some missed friends we never got up with, and a lot of running around.  Oh, and don’t forget 3 DAYS OF DISNEYLAND… whew.

Just so thankful for my family, and for the wonderful time we had, despite the down moments!  Those happen, right?

Enjoy the images.


The land of a Bazillion Hats.

I told them I would blog about this.  At the Gentry property last week, while shooting textiles for Studio Peele, These hats were just crying out to be photographed.  In all their sweat, dirt, and who knows what else, I found a simple perfection.  I know, Emily, they gross you out.  But aren’t they pretty?

And no, there weren’t a bazillion… just 4 or 5, and they were perfect.
